Intake Meeting
The intake meeting is an opportunity for Behaven Kids to get to know you and your child, allowing you to expand upon your concerns. In this meeting the parent/guardian will identify and prioritize the concerns that led you to call Behaven Kids for services. Behaven Kids will determine the appropriate treatment plan and program for your child and will offer the family a tour of our facility.
Parents should plan on 1.5 hours for this meeting, as initial paperwork will be reviewed. Your child may attend the intake meeting, or may not, depending on your preference. Parents may find it distracting or inappropriate to discuss the child while they are present. Program Fees and Funding will also be discussed during this meeting.

IDI Meeting
Prior to engaging in any form on treatment, individuals must first partake in a thorough psychosocial assessment. During these assessments, an individual’s history is reviewed, including presenting symptoms and the way in which those symptoms have impacted his or her ability to function on a daily basis. Additionally, one’s physical and psychological background will be reviewed in order to obtain further pertinent information. Once this assessment is complete, it will be reviewed by clinical staff who will then determine what the most appropriate level of care will be in order for the individual’s needs to be met.